Source: Format Numbers to Millions & Thousands in Excel () You are free to use this image on your website, templates etc, Please provide us with an attribution link How to Provide Attribution? Article Link to be Hyperlinked When someone says 500k, don’t get confused with it because 500k means 500,000. In the mathematics field, every number has different terminologies for example, one thousand (1000) is represented as 1k, one lakh (1, 00,000) is represented as 100k. In today’s article, we will specifically concentrate on million formats of numbers in excel to allow them to show in a shorter format to read and understand very easily. read more, which includes all kinds of number formatting in excel. This includes formatting large numbers in thousands or millions, formatting dates to only display the month names etc. Excel Number Formatting – Thousands and MillionsĮxcel number formatting is a larger topic than we think we have already published topics Excel Custom Number Formatting Excel Custom Number Formatting In Excel, Custom Number Format refers to changing the format of the numeric values as per your preferences to make the data look more visually appealing.